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Featured Fair Trade Partners

A global maker-to-market movement that addresses economic injustice - because every handcrafted object has a life of meaning behind it. Shop with intention for ethically-sourced handcrafted wares - and share in the joy of empowering makers in ten thousand villages.
As a pioneer of fair trade, Ten Thousand Villages does business differently... Read More

Thistle Farms is a nonprofit social enterprise dedicated to helping women survivors recover and heal from prostitution, trafficking and addiction. They provide a safe place to live, a meaningful job and a lifelong sisterhood of support. Their program provides women survivors with free housing, healthcare, counseling and job readiness training for two years.

Supreme comfort, ethical and sustainable production, designs that make you smile — all empowering nonprofits to support the causes and communities you care about. Their goal is to connect you with world-changing nonprofits, making it easier to make an impact towards today's most important causes.
Your Support Matters
Your decision to shop with us isn't just a transaction; it's a statement of solidarity and a powerful step toward positive change. Join us in our mission by purchasing with purpose.

Visit our retail store at the museum. Admission is not required to shop the store.
50 East Freedom Way
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Wednesday – Sunday
10 a.m. – 5 p.m.